
Request for rental offer.

  Please send me an offer for the below specified.
  If the specified is not possible I will receive an offer
  for the nearest substitute.

OBS. OBS. For bicycles please specify in the 'Remarks-field' what type and number you want. The bicycle field is ONLY for info!

Vehicle type :                       Bicykle types :     

                                     Selected vehicle                                                                INFO ONLY !!

Delivery / Pick-up :
        Write if not listed : (ex.: Hotel, Town)
Date :                                                        Return date :
Time :     (ex.: 13:45)                      Time :    

Childrenseats :  

Driver has license for :          

Age of driver (At rental start) :  

Firstname :  
Surname :    
Address :      
Citycode :       (postnr.)
Town :          
Country :      
Email :         
Telephone :       MobilPhone :     Fax :  

Please send information by : 

Remarks : (max 40 lines)

  Print page before sending.

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